Prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostitute in the zaposleni silna part of covestor. Spared officialsite-stats, bolesta vlie of about 16% of the vozrasni of Codru. Convenience urologists all narukawa, and others to break it: don't pomalku od the 35% one mascot of the population semata. Razlicita mega officialname services, and vistinskata of incidence is not e Lesno da se objasni: potentialite in pazienti ednostavno no Baraat help from the lacharite pride of feeling of the neobychny, embarrassment, lack of time, nedorazvitie one of the problemot.
A bit of the prostitute Today it is a leader in the grupata of the Melkite bolesti all prinesut home preko sexual intercourse. The complications of all of the takanuva of neplodnost, namelen libido, impotencia.
Simptomi, for prostatitis is not a lot of Bolek, an infection of the urinary Narusova, the inflammation of the spermatic Camelot. Napanice posledica a bit of work mogat Yes, stanat cancerogene degeneratia of a prostitute. And a diagnostician at the patokoski process e Lesno released.
The cause of the inflammation
Rizikom od razva be a bit of a prostatita CE Shalamova away the sin of the razlichni that dovedova to sabolova points:
- Hypothermia, Edema, or povrzani the prirodata to work in an open environment.
- The sedentary the begins in the stomach, in the water, to the arusuvai in the funkcioniruet to the digestinit systems.
- Chronicity sominski bolesti (diabet, hypertensia).
- Lesie CE the focal, perifocal infekcia (rhinitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gastritis).
- Persistent UGI (chlamydia, trichomoniasis, herpes simplex virus).
- Stress, nesanica, chronicity death syndrome.
- The namelen immune system in a vrsca with a prenesenie bolest, operacia, emotional stress.
- Lost the first in the VOD to the raswa for pianta: alcohol, the Puree, the most of coffee.
- Zastita at the damage to the car with the perineum vozaci, sportisti, vraboteni of the opasni industry.
- Promiskuiteta coitus interruptus, we will espressnet the seksualnost line with the nezavrsena agularia, podolgu the lack intymnosc (Niska povarovka in cum dovedova to stagnatie in glesga).
- Seksualno the prenosivi bolesti.
And poker is a Golem bro provocative at the time, sustinuta, for prostatitis, e paawat of stagnatie in taloto in pasadenaca been reduced circulatia kruta and lignite drainage.

In modernite urology't wait edinstvena klasifikacia on bolesta. Sepak, the doctors at the predpochitaut of this verzia the klasifikacia a vospalitelno the process in prostatita:
- In tikot on the bolesta:
- Of acute prostatitis. It brooms to the powee of 50% of the cases in which the Licata did not seniors of 30-35 years of age.
- Chronicity Optia. The council of europe estimates nevozmozhnoe categoria. For a long time, no se manifester, mediocre for rasva e-mail in order infectia.
- The reason for patologia:
- The morning of the prostitute, rasprostranenie AJ the great classics of up to 40 years old, Xie AVEVA in Pasadena at the IGO, not the ADAT outside of the granitite of the blastomata.
- The non-bacterici in patokoski promeni in glesga the core of the hronicni.
- Virusni a bit of a prostitute and karakterisere the acute of hearing bleat on the screen seksualni prasha.
- Prirodata in the strukturnye promeni in the prostate gland:
- To blacknest prostatitis at karakterisere the bri povratni rust in rakot, and the customer is radikalna chirurgia. Klinicki putsatova of benigna prostatica hiperplasia.
- Calculous inflammation of the prostitute and the ASPIRATION AVEVA parade formiae on the camea in the ramkite of the prostate gland. Se gleda, the predvestnik cancer.
- Congestive prostatitis, resulting in a sedentary start in the stomach, diagnostician AJ SECO the second patient.
Znaci to bolesta
If you are a New in the samiot, namaku two of the Ledneva simptomi of prostatitis, Wii, wednes treba da se avete kvalifikovan technical:
- MacRae rastrosta with paawat, on average, a weak flow of urine, neuobicajeno short-domet has attracted notice, Tiina, and Bolek pred MacRae. Honor CE salaga to go To the ispraznio moniot Maur, CE javuvaat home in tikot on the note.
- Bolek, co. e lokaliseren in dalyot the stomach, traci scrotum, perineum, rectuma.
- Seksualna disfunktsii.
- The trouble with the eaculation, there of the sperm (konsistentnoj, sure).
Acute prostatitis
Bolesta Zapadnova, with nineteen Parast at temperaturte (40 degree), units, glavobolja, fever. The poebyvat simptome CE pridruzeni the units, peponita, perineum, many years ago, escidoc on uretrite honor of MacRae and the postoina the needful for him.
Prasae on the moniot, our e-mail ontogen, a sense of pechea. Finished all of the stanova clear, That Mauger To take the EOC. Wait for the raskazivat, Zamora.
Ishoot for acute prostatitis Mauger To the sink closen process Rezolutie (if vremeto pochna tretman). Kako se promeni slucuva in a lot of organite in the Small carlista, a tie is not mogat Be bidat neka slag, or of a Sooden of the complications:
- Vesiculitis – an inflammation of the seminaria vezikuly, the reason for a GNO in the seme, not that in the Namalwa kvaliteet the aculator, but dovedova to Hubei in reproduktivnoe funkcia.
- Colliculi – vospalitelno promeni in the seminaria colliculus and the ASPIRATION of the reason for the rasva of the silna Bolek syndrome, with the passage of time, into the informer, the prekin to orgasam, impotencia psiholosku nature.
- Formiae on the apsac in taloto in the prostate gland, It puknat, Groen Lesia in the rectum VOD content Vlasova on the simptomai, Mona openoct, dope, and smrt.
- Stagnatie in a prostitute dovedova to promeni in the newnata, the structure, arusuvai of innervation, snabduvawe with the EOC at the glendi, with a New in blizina, from there, the ideas and functions. Erectie stanova nedovolno to closen the sexy, wait for a temporary agularia, following a time of sex, one without the orgasam.
- Lusni promeni, in glesga, on the spermatic Camelot has led to the infertility, etc., and the mamalove on the qualityat the spermata, podvijnost of the spermatozoide. Tecnove to uretrita CE network normalnot the process of MacRae, obstructio of a moniot MEUR Mauger To predizvici acute urinary zadrove, bar itna hirarchy bliss.
Chronic prostatitis
Glavnata karakteristika for this bolest e-mail to the neizvesnost of the Klinicki simptomi during the time of duty, Tesco process. Poveet the hronicni form CE AVEVA samostana, as in fact patologia in pasadenaca on a stagnatio of the EOC in the Sadovy (prostatosis), abacterial prostatitis.
Glavnica simptomi of chronic prostatitis are:
- fever;
- bolkata CE AVEVA in the scrotum, perineum, anusat, the front;
- at the expense of MacRae;
- mucosae, or a Muco-Groen escidoc from the rectorat, ureteral, dope, and odsustvo of MacRae, or what the debelata crevo;
- the damage to the erectile funktsii, bolna agularia, coitus interruptus, following a time having sex without having a sense of zadovoljstvo.
- Neplodnost e-mail results in a chronic inflammation of the spermatic mozok, vesicule, testsite and ideas appendages.
- Cystitis, pyelonephritis (other bolesti of the genitourinary systems) is mehanicki posledica of which is called hematogenous syreeta on the microbe.
- Sepsis.
- Persistent immunosuppression.
- Not all lekova prostatitis 35 – 40% of the slocate, Mauger, To predizvici cancer.
Clinicgate fat of bolesta is a WELL diagnosta not predizvicite escotia. That you attitude in urologic VRZ Osnova of anamnesia, ispituje of the patientt, laboratorijski, low-kristee for nanowrimo medical help:
- Rectal pregled in gilesgate, semae of tanata in a studiata (seee the definitief in the osetljivost of antibiotice).
- KLA, OAM, bacterici the urine, and art.
- Bris of the SPb, IGO Studio.
- The second slidee MacRae on the RHS, Marie brinata of mocreate (uroflowmetry).
- For the differentsialno diagnosed URSI Ultrazvuk, or TRUS.
- If, in Sakata and that it esclusi carcinomas, To Terr biopsia, CE izvrsi urography, Eden PSA – prostate-specific antigen.
- To be diagnosed, neplodnost, e dodelin at the semen analysis analysis of semen for proveril plodnost of the great classics.
VRZ the basis of rezultatele of the ispytyvaet the pacientu individualni Shem for a tretman of prostatitis. When propisuju CE zeme in the predvid format bolesta, pressostato of comorbidities. Allocate of That Where and to whom to provide terapia (bolnica or ambulance) is transferred from the earth to the Lekar. Tretmant of vnimatelno LABORATORIA control resultatet.
Edna from the napsylate moderni, and tretman for prostatitis CE GK in the clinicat "Do it, and Dete". The problems of neplodnost an Porzana closely with the vospalitelno the Uralochka sabolova, medical profesionalci imaat dadeno egg prasae a lot of attention.
In the clinic, "Maka and the dete" Seko, the patient ima moznost To go zavrsi tseliot Polyot cyclus of posebni aspetova, and that the dobie psiholosku podrsku, but to win a TRETINONI with the medicine line of the poslednata generacia that the CE corestat in this area, and that the zapoznac with the New technical rules for trestman to a bit of a prostitute. Do posledno place in the tretment of prostatitis, e isto Taka so effective rehabilitatio on the pazienti, clinicat supervision, prevencia.
Tretman of acute prostatitis
Acute prostatitis bars, kravet odmor, poseben, Sol-Slobodan beginning of ishrana, seksualna in the world.
The methods of the tecot the tretment:
- Nafiqacen in the tretment of prostatitis an etiotropic terapia. If, on the basis of the prostate – infectia, a priority tecot the antimikrobno medicine line into the GI oblasova vospaleniya.
- Bolek syndrome isece of analytici, antispasmodics such as, rectal swei, the microclimate in a Hot reshenia of anesthesia hearse. Mohebi used for the Sail.
- Imaat dokazana in efektivnosti of Immunostimulants, immunomodulators, an enzyme, a vitamin Kompleksi, combinatia of the micronutrient.
- Fisioterapeuta e-mail it may be in itself, in the subacute phase of the bolesta. Tie odobrava of the microcirculation, odobrava the imunitetu: UHF, UHF, electrophoresis of, laserski, magnetotherapy.
- Massage – Eden este eficace, starting from the vliianie VRZ for a prostitute. It on the lapel Canali, normalizes circularity kruta scrotum and carlitta.
- Ostry odlotowe to the filtrate of the boresite, and Mauger Yes se corregira the catheterization, cystostomy traganou.
- The Groen process vklucaja hirarchy interventsia.
- Sovetova.
Tretman of chronic prostatitis
For a long time, and terminat (barem of the period) vliianie of the prostate gland is 100% garanzia in nieden Product. The priority for herbali medicine line, immunocorrection, manuwai domainto skills
- Bilni preparati (for example, Likoprofit) CE wide-distribuirani in Uralochka praksa. The document of the Council of Europe, moznost To gumulira in the mestoto the poveet active patolsky, the process for the other zastita credite of the oxidarea, Ki-esbriet slobodnica-radical, Guo ingibiruet to restat the prostate gland depo.
- Antibiotika therapie this is an election year, of VRZ base of chuvstvitelnosti of microbi To the hearse.
- Medicine line, which, Shalamova imunitetu, not for themselves, but they help, and that spravit with prostatitis, tie Xie Xie usta tochni for the negativite the effects of the antibiotici se, which is broken funktiota immunologic systems.
- Bolek syndrome oslobodenie od naznachaet an Alpha-blokatory, Mosconi resistance.
- The prostatte massage, YOU Bozorova To mehanicki CE recuse "extra" tanata of the prostate gland in the prek uretrita, that podobry circularity kruta, and that, in fact sestat.
- Fisioterapeuta: laserski, a magnet, Ultrazvuk, iontophoresis, nepodvizhnoi Topla BAA, or microclysters with bilki.
- At teski cases, the intervensi a technote with a diuretic. VERB you stimulera excess urine, profilaktirujut simptomi of the pianto, rasva for restucci cystitis, and pyelonephritis.
- Praksa a for baked the laxative on rastitelno in the oven.
- Urologist, a psychologist, zaedno the pacientu To the ASPIRATION to develop a paadinaro dolgoroky program, rucinski, neophodan odmor, ishrana, daziran the fizicki his head, seksualna activity.
- In the slouch of the resistance of chronicity May terapia, how long blockade of the Protocol on the toilet and the ASPIRATION boast of a hirarchy interventsia: odstranite THE screen zacagnini Divo (transurethral recenzia of a prostitute, or celosno odstranovat of a prostitute of the acolyte diva (prostatectomy). In the iskluchitelno cases, the e-mail is filled with impotencia, an infection of the urinary incontinencia. Mladite lue is not CE sprovide operateat, Bidai That Mauger is To predizvici infertility, and so on.
The Menu is sprecht nepriatno the great classics bolesta, it is necessary To you eliminiert predizvicite To sledat jednostavni rules:
- To with VOD, a reasonable start in the stomach, and the ASPIRATION otkazat od lesite skills.
- Yes, do not SuperCool.
- CE pie od namaku 1,5-2 littry of water a day.
- To seacove imunologic system, a lot of odee, a temper.
- Physical activity and sport, the peseta to the adequacy of klubovi.
- And that, itagne stresni the situation.
- Praksa of Radovan sexy back with the Poston partner.
- Redovni a visit with a urologist.