The e-mail prostatitis an inflammation of the prostitute (the prostate gland). And Glenda CE a New sub moniot MEUR, ureteral Opatia. In namala a bit of a prostitute, pocnuva, The Rast, and with It peredelyvala urinaria Canali. Kako posledica of It, postout of the problems with the odee of the BAA and the silna Bolek. A lot of honor, prostatitis CE manifester in Codru, from the age of 30-35 ml. About 80% of the you will posterite of the Codru to dreden unit, stradat od bolesti. Isto Taka, Now up to 30%, of the young people in one of the 20 to 30 CE Pogodin on in this bolest. In this Statia than CE slim in the details of what you are correctament identifikovat prvite simptomi of prostatitis, how much, and that diagnosticare bolesta, and in the other, put it in the right place at the potvrda of diagnosta.

Snazi for prostatitis
This is an prostatitis? A genuine licorice are all razlichat 6 znaci heralding of the prostatitis. If dovecot Really sublegal namaku 2 snazi od listat, and the togas are to be required on the final To ADAT to the doctor:
- A weak flow of urine, PAA, with a small opseg;
- Of conflictnet in the momenti when mocreate;
- Bolnice simptomi in the procesot a MacRae;
- Framereate of MacRae, urine, prevent the neizmenno it;
- Delanno prasae of a moniot MEUR;
- The honor macree, especially in the tikot on the note.
Letarot the sekogash singing the theme to beat in moznost To the Key-identifikovat prvite of znati in the prostatitis to AJ the great classics, and Potapova, for the diagnoza singing the theme to the beat sprovedene savremeno, with positive results.
The reason for patologia
The expertise of the Velate DECA will cause you to formiae on the bolesta:
- Slabeet of the imunit systems, mamalove in the bayerite, which Ki-speculat a lot of virusni infection;
- Infection-Procesi virusni of the elementi, the germs, the germs for prek EOC or pimpnite start to a prostitute. Simptomele of this poova – the temperature when prostituta CE Shalamova;
- Sedentary, starting from the stomach to the predizvicite Narusova, in the circularity kruta, oxygen starvation;
- Pereletova in Promet results, the stagner at the moment, in predelut of the genitalia – predision parade sexy belly, the debt abstinencia of sleep, nepravilni seksualna seksualni line.
A bit of a prostitute Mauger Yes se Yes poknat that you on navigue of the bacteria, but rasva of infectia required patogenia microflora of ARMS Mauger Yes se sozdateli, the results of the Lednice factory – prisustvo the stetni of addiction, baked, hormonally pereletova, damage, hypothermia, and so natamu.
Glavnica causes of prostatitis AJ the great classics of the vkluchaut:
- Hormonally Narusova — wait a teoria CHILDREN zgolemuvanje of Proizvodstvo in the testosterone levels.
- The negative vliianie of a prostitute Divo, predizvici Rast, and inflammation. Don't pomalku a threatening e-mail hormon all oposta of the funktiota of the urinary.
- Imunology-status — when taloto business", the granizada", to the CE, namely, the zastititi functions. You do not e-mail in the costab, and that the protestati of bacteria and viruses, to which the pronica in It in from the outside or not, moat, and that the spravit with a relapse in a chronic Procesi.
- Quite passive, a sexy stomach and an mA ima nepravilni intimni line CE sabaliunas stagnatio that Sadat up a bit.
- Pogresno tactics of sexual contact That e-mail Tana child care a lot of parovi as a birth control method praktikuma coitus interruptus. A tie does not represent the deck to be nachin, You pobreci tseliot result in the semen. Poker is That, as a results of That, PAP e povremeno, mechanismat Olivet, and the EOC is actively tukovi on the General description in the carlocate, and the eyeliner in the driuve to Zelena erectie.
- A Sedentary Mazhit dovedova to sternatia.
- A bit of reflux — se slucuva against pasadenaca bacterici lesie at moniot channel. In the Cree mechanismat the back channel for the urine, the case of the dobiva it at the start of the SEMA CE slucuva of the bacteria infectia a prostitute.
- At the expense of ishrana, dokolku ahranta is not the brsa hrana, the dominantnosti the divotinski match up, and nedostigli of the protein, and the vlakna, That vlie on the gormonalnoe of remetea correctament crenata funkcia.
- Prenumerata environment, in particular the use of the steroidne medicine line.
- Hypothermia dovedova you namelen immune system and rasva of the patogen flora.
- Promiskuiteta you Shalamova rizikom od seksualnog the prenosivi bolesti. Seksualno predoslovie infection AJ the great classics to honor the ASPIRATION javuvaat display, dodeca pritiske of the prostate gland depo. Spared ystraivaet, 78% of the slocate to preciselywhat a bit, or a straight-or indirektno CE Trichomonas, chlamydia, gardenella, gonorea.

A prostitute in some of their odbrane mehanizam: stanova fee for Edna tan, the BACK there is a antibacteria svoistva. However, in the prisustvo the agresivni patogeni factory, not a moat, and that the spravit with the optowave and inflammation. The great classics of the aktivni reproductive age (18-50 years) CE NACESTI with acute prostatitis. In srednia life glavnica causes of prostatitis mill sedentary, hypothermia, and nepravilni a sexy stomach. They Bechet during the time of the new period, the acute processes, the simptomele of the co. it is not se obrne pay attention, do not zapachnye savremeno lacunae, it has the potential to Be the camp chronicity. To mashko of the population over the age of 50 years, and this is karakterisere three patolsky processes of the prostate:chronic prostatitis, adenomas, and adenocarcinomas. In the new, slusa, hirosky tretman in combinatia with the harmonica terapia, and other methods.
Simptomi of patologia
This is an prostatitis? It is important that the simptomi, which ukazovat the paava a prostatitis – TEAC, a process of MacRae, banata senzatia in a new time. Honor CE salaga to go To the ispraznio moniot MEUR in the Lower parts of the bocaiuva Rasool of patologia. Pocitnice fazi of patologia Mauger You are asymptomatic. The acute form of the bolesta e-mail a lot of polesno, and that the identifikovat manifestatia of patologia in sekogash CE nenden and dramatyczny. Treba da se raspada paava on bolesta, the commissioner, on the ground of the individualni caracteristics of Seko at the choveshkata to the body.
Postout Ledneva simptomi to a bit of prostatita:
- Bolek, in the perineum;
- The process of defekatsii pridruzeni of the bolney attack;
- Potencia Narusova;
- The honor urinare;
- Opsti malaise;
- Feel ispolnitel of a moniot MEUR;
- The secretory phenomena of the ureteral in the samiot the process at defekatsii.
Of the units attacking you in the Rasool of patologia
Bolek, in the prostatitis AJ the great classics it is not caracterizar of the odredjene lokalizacia. In the odsustvo the tretman of process units affect the golemi to CE, CE to spend on the others genitals. At napredni sostoi in the acute phase, bolesta, adenomas. Redovni bolney attack is carried out on the nepriatno the beginning of the stomach, on the rasva of the neuroses, in march, vlie on the qualityat the zivotot.
Typical units are CE Lednice case-in-point:
- In the procesot a MacRae;
- With the passage of time erectie;
- With the passage of time, a sexual one;
- For the sarsuwela of the line;
- In the process of defecation;
- The parade galhotra abstinencia, or in the back promiskuiteta seksualni line;
- In the slozenost;
The dalyot cases hrbot singing the theme to pocne To the pain, kouga patologia e-mail a wee outside on a prostitute. Of the units attacking, or TAPI, or Ostara. The parade panamarova of patologia in bolney feeling Mauger To Trae for a long time. Isto Taka patologia in the area of the prostate the ASPIRATION karakterisere the boring, or Ostara've got a painful kick in the peponita, Ratko in the leg.
Eliminare of the units e, with the Ledneva methods:

- The prostatte massage;
- Phytotherapeutic tretman;
- Hormonaly the methods of the lacunae patologia;
- Posebna diet for the Normalizer sostoyat to be passed;
- Antibacteria Remedy for stetni of the elementi;
- Upotrebata of the blokatori for oblegchenno effect when mocreate.
Simptomi to treat acute prostatitis
- A high temperature;
- Teshka of the units in the perineum, peponita over the semnata oblast;
- * Units with MacRae;
- You siromasna the celokupne Zdrave;
- Namelen the potential and art.
In chronic prostatitis clinicgate fat e podesto of the izbrisani. Mauger To pokazyvaet nikakvi simptomi on the screen. Satoa in ovo slusa presogna uloga CE game on the ground, is the preventivni pregledi with a detekcia of incipient inflammation of the prostitute.
Simptomi of chronic prostatitis
- That preislerova, and the brso pominova of the units in the perineum, peponita over the semnata oblast;
- CE, namely, sexualnich surge (of the libido);
- The other way to the framereate of the sexualnich one in the neko cases brzi agularia, other znachitelno isdrive a sexual one);
- The other way is to prirodata in seksualno zadovoljstvo (mamalove osvetljenosti the orgazam);
- Paava to the escidoc from uretrita, especially in the morning the clock (prostatorrhea).
Diagnosticky measurements
Lekaru Mauger To the detektera of znati in the prostatitis to AJ the great classics, and negovoto Leone singing the theme to the sink savremeno the nomination. For a definition of prostatitis need to to konsultiert with a urologist, who sing the theme to the se ispita, and To the praise of the other Vagni Diagnostica CE:
- Medical pregledi and that obezbedi celokupne klinicka fat;
- Semae urine;
- Primariy for detekcia a self-prenosivi bolesti;
- Opredeluvawe the prisustvo or odsustvo of infectia, Bris land located on ureteral;
- The analysis aculator;
- Ultrazvuk of the genitalia and the organization;
- Urography;
- Biopsia of omnicane cancer is a phenomenon.

The methods of the lacunae prostatitis
How to se retirait of this patologia? For diagnosta of bolesta, lecart tvrdava tretman of bolesta, a CE koristi integreren pristup CE p the Ledneva points:
- Antimicrobial terapeutici way of a specialist propisuju the subject of the tretman medicine line, property rights, and antibiotici To the se traga odstranit sternite of the elementi at the dovedova to prostatitis. A tie, isto Taka, mamalove at the temperaturet;
- Fiziologice of the effects of, for example, of the country, laserski, ultrazvukovy pranovi, electromagneti branova.
- Koristi narodnie the methods of the lacunae – Topley Bay, with the bilke;
- That's lame, in the area of prostate enlargement – That is slobodova from oacat stagnatie, CE Shalamova to the Protocol of the EOC to the genitalia;
- Fitoterapia used in decoctions for korisni in the lakovici in bilki, Donatii in the ahranta eyeliner on the seacove imunologic system, the Bori infectia;
- Psychotherapeutische the poradi prostatitis AJ the great classics, the razvivaet negativni at psiholoski problems, izgubena doverba, postout stavovi, with the passage of time, a sexual one;
- Hirarki tretman CE koristi at napredni and teshka fazi on bolesti, as for example, the Chir to the prostatute;
- Careccia imunologic systems of wasiat dr Mauger, To YOU praise the vesuve in the odredjene of a vitamin, mineral, micronutrient, and that the saaka imunologic system-on-pacientu;
- Balanceren, right, ishrana, for prostatitis, odbywalo alcohol, Cigare, masnaa hrana, with CE ogranicava in the Salt, and, isto Taka, and that the peat powee full of water namaku 2 littry of the day.
The complications
When Dina pochna tretman for prostatitis Mauger Yes se HAPP Golem indiana of complications and karakterisere the following:
- opstrukcija the moniot MEUR, with acute urinary zadrzava Baraat hirarki tretman method;
- tranzitia of prostatitis are acute phase to chronicity;
- razva of some of the oblici of neplodnost;
- recursive cystitis;
- Stasova, lusni of the ureteral;
- pyelonephritis, friends, burrini terms and conditions;
- simple apsses Baraat hirarchy interventsia;
- sepsis, opasni for zivotot the pacientu (egg naramowice of paciente at a low imunology system, seerna bolest, Subrina klubot).
Important e da se znae! Patologia Mauger lead To cancer of the prostitute and the ASPIRATION Subeliani 7% of the great classics seniors from 50 years old), singing the theme to the grave with Vlasova zivotot dovecot, to dope, and to bring the smrt.
Satoa in addition, in the Mauger Yes se paavi on bolesta
Prostatitis there is a nekolku Vidovi of the definiranje the reason for the paava on bolesta.
Glavnica factors that preciselywhat paava for prostatitis, slednovo:

- Infectia. Bacteriae and the ASPIRATION in the prostitute of the razlichni start. Mladite of Codru that imaat sex without contraceptio (condomi), imaut the rizik od sabolova parade prodor of the patogenice of microorganisme (chlamydia, Mycoplasma, ITN.). The poker It, paawat for prostatitis what is AVEVA posledica of the neko vnatreshni the hronicni bolesti. Stetni the bacteria and the ASPIRATION postigne of the prostate gland with the Protocol, of lignite or crudite. Patolsky of the mikroorganizmi, isto Taka Mauger To "vlees" in the prostate to prek uretrita. Togas bolesti predizvici the sabolova of the urinary system (urethritis, pyelonephritis) elaben immune system.
- Stagner Procesi. Tie Xie manifestiert desalinate, sedentary the beginning of the stomach, Bidai circularity cruta in the General description in the caricata, is broken. The prostitute as a results of They don't go dostigne potrebnih carry the oxygen, and the hronline an issue.
- Of the damage. The parade of the Mechanica statuae of the diwata and the organite Small carlista (OMT) Mauger To predizvici meter, predizvici Patalavaca process. Therefore, the kamyonet parade ideas profesionalni activity povrzani you dolgosrochnye sedentary pozicia, and pastori damage to the table, pobedova of the OMT.
Mislee to lacharite. Urologists oroweat CHILDREN prostatitis is not a stomach is diagnosed. If you are tretmant doesn't produce results, the Edema brz It, As dovecot is not needed, and that the otkazat with prasowa to give you a brand cité baraa. Of course, zaednicki the stock, and the Napoli of letarot, and the patientt, Sigourney, in the uspehu of the therapist singing to the theme to help dovecot, and that the chuvstvovat zdravi, and confusing it was to come to an end.