The prostate is a small, unpaired organ located in the pelvic cavity just below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The urethra passes through the thickness of the prostate.

The structure and function of the prostate
The prostate is made up of smooth muscle fibers and secreting cells. The main function of the gland is to secrete secretions, which are involved in the liquefaction of ejaculation, ensuring the movement of sperm and their protection from the aggressive environment of the vagina. The prostate gland is also a valve that blocks the flow of urine during ejaculation and semen during urination.
The prostate weight of a healthy adult male is only about 20 g. Pituitary and adrenal hormones, androgens, estrogens have a great effect on his condition. During life, the size of the prostate can change: in boys, it is small, during adolescence, the prostate grows dramatically. When hormone secretion begins to decline (usually between the ages of 45 and 50), the gland normally begins to grow backwards.
However, the opposite process often occurs - benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or prostate adenoma.
What is prostate adenoma?

This disease has many synonyms: prostate adenoma, benign prostatic hyperplasia, benign renal prostatic hypertrophy and more.
The name reflects the essence of the pathological processes that occur in the gland: the glandular tissue grows, forming dense nodules. The size of the prostate increases, which causes compression of the urethra and spasm of smooth muscle cells. This leads to the appearance of symptoms of the disease.
Prostate size has no direct effect on urinary incontinence. Symptoms may be absent with a significant increase or appear in the early stages of the disease.
BPH has benign growth, ie it does not metastasize. This essentially distinguishes BPH from prostate cancer. The main reference point for the onset of prostate malignancy is the level of prostate specific antigen (PSA).
The causes of BPH
According to statistics, in men under 30, the signs of BPH are usually absent. With age, the incidence of BPH increases, reaching its peak by the ninth decade of life (90%).
The causes of prostate adenoma are not yet fully understood. Prostate adenoma is believed to be multifactorial in nature. The role of the male sex hormone testosterone has long been known in both the normal development of the prostate and the development of BPH. It is known that men aged 40 to 50 have a period of deeper restructuring of hormonal regulation, while there is a decrease in the level of testosterone circulating in the blood. Decreasing the amount of testosterone and a relative increase in the level of estrogen (female sex hormones) in the male body leads to the development of the prostate.
The change in the hormonal proportions in the man's body was the starting point in the study of the causes and the mechanism of development of benign prostatic hyperplasia. In addition to hormonal disorders, the inflammatory process, accompanied by prostate edema, is important in the development of prostate adenoma, as it can play an important role in increasing the number of prostate cells and organ edema, as a mechanical factor, contributesthe intensification of the symptoms of the disease.
Symptoms of prostate adenoma

Enlargement of the prostate gland leads to compression of the urethra and causes smooth muscle spasm. This procedure is accompanied by reduced urination:
- the need to wake up at night to empty the bladder.
- reducing the intensity of the urine stream.
- feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urination.
- the appearance of difficult restriction of the desire to urinate.
- increased urination during the day
- low volume urination.
Often, the above symptoms are associated with difficulty in urinating at the beginning, which is more intense in the morning and makes you push to start urinating. These symptoms are the reason for seeking medical attention.
Treatment of prostate adenoma
The course of the disease significantly worsens the quality of life and the lack of adequate treatment can cause surgery. Given the progressive nature of this disease, drug treatment for BPH must be carried out for a long time. Depending on the prevalence of the symptoms, the treatment can vary considerably. Pharmacotherapy eliminates urine, reduces complaints and restores quality of life. You should also be aware that prostate adenoma can be asymptomatic or cause non-specific urinary problems that do not look like the classic picture of the disease. This misleads patients and wastes valuable time. The earlier treatment is started, the more effective it is.
Prevention of BPH
There are currently no specific prevention methods. One of the preventive measures is the annual visit to the urologist after 40 years. At the appointment, the doctor will be able to assess the symptoms, perform the necessary examination and prescribe an effective treatment.