Millions of men know firsthand what prostate inflammation is. At the end of treatment, doctors strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with ways to prevent recurrence of prostate infection. Among them, the prevention of prostatitis stands out. It will be useful for those men who have not yet encountered similar problems.
Primary and secondary prevention
There are several forms of prevention:
- Primary. Its main purpose is to prevent the development of the inflammatory process in the prostate. Such prevention is required for every man after 30 years.
- Secondary. It is intended for those who have already suffered from prostatitis. The purpose of this precaution is to prevent the gland from recurring and to reduce the risk of the disease becoming chronic.
Preventing prostatitis in men at home consists of a huge number of activities that significantly improve a person's quality of life and protect him from prostatitis.
Every person, regardless of their level of health, must follow a proper lifestyle. It is this preventive measure that avoids a huge number of diseases. Prostatitis is no exception.
Most men have prostatitis due to a sedentary lifestyle. Prolonged sitting or lying position leads to stagnant processes in the pelvic organs. And these are ideal conditions for the development of prostatitis.
To avoid pathology, it is necessary to engage in active sports, swim, take time for walks in the fresh air. Exercise is no less useful, for which you should definitely allocate a place in the daily routine.

Normalization of the diet
What a man eats strongly affects the work of the internal organs and systems of his body. Top nutritionists share with everyone the secrets of how to avoid prostatitis with a well-designed diet. Diet is always an integral part of treating a patient with prostate inflammation. It will also be useful for healthy men who do not want to face such an unpleasant diagnosis in the future.
Adherence to a specific eating culture helps prevent the development of prostatitis:
- Food must be served in designated areas. It is extremely undesirable to eat on the go.
- It is necessary to take care of the cleanliness of the cutlery.
- You should eat at least 3 times a day. There should be breaks of up to 4 hours between meals. If a person does not have the opportunity to have a regular snack between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner, they should at least drink a cup of tea.
- You are required to leave snacks late at night and at night. This option is only allowed if the person is working night shifts.
Men should make their choice in favor of dishes made from natural products. It is highly undesirable to include in the diet very fatty, fried, smoked products. A monotonous menu also falls under the ban. Harmful foods should be replaced with healthy foods that do not contain preservatives or dyes.

Proper nutrition will save not only from prostatitis, but also from many other diseases.
The daily diet of a person who cares about his health should be enriched with fruits, vegetables, meat and fish, as well as dairy.
To avoid health problems, you need to stop drinking alcohol. Its presence in the diet is allowed only in a minimal amount.
The most important way to prevent prostatitis, doctors call gland massage. Such procedures are allowed for men who have already experienced a worsening form of the disease. Thanks to the therapeutic massage, the required outflow of fluid is created, which has accumulated in the alveoli due to the inflammatory process.
Doctors usually recommend prostate finger massage for men. It treats venous congestion in the problem area well and improves blood circulation. In order for the prostate to function normally it is necessary to undergo a complete prophylactic course, which includes about 8-10 sessions.
Protection against infection of the organism
Preventing prostatitis at home should aim to protect the body from infection. This is because prostatitis in most cases is caused by causative agents of diseases of the urogenital system. If a man is already infected, he should immediately begin treating the source of the infection to prevent it from spreading.
Intestinal diseases can lead to infection. This part of the gastrointestinal tract must be closely monitored. It is necessary to avoid the occurrence of constipation or diarrhea, as such stool disorders weaken local immunity. Cracks in the anus and hemorrhoids should also be avoided.
It is not just intestinal problems that can lead to gland infection. Diseases of the urinary system are no less dangerous. Early emptying of the bladder and prevention of overfilling helps to avoid them.

If the bladder is full for a long time, it leads to infection of the pelvic organs.
Preventing prostate inflammation affects a man's intimate life. Sexually transmitted diseases increase the chance of gland infection. Therefore, you should avoid sexual intercourse with unknown partners. It is also recommended to avoid prolonged abstinence from sex. At the same time, very frequent contact is also considered unacceptable.
Gymnastics and Exercise
Exercise to prevent prostatitis provides a good result. Daily morning exercises are good for everyone. It is not necessary to take pills to prevent problems with the pelvic organs. As long as you regularly perform a special set of exercises. Includes:
- Rotate the pelvis in different directions.
- Lifting your legs up and rotating them while lying down.
- Occupations
- "A bike";
- "Birch".
Such exercise will help improve blood flow to the pelvic area. Helps reduce the risk of swelling in the problem area and stagnant processes.
What other exercises to prevent prostatitis should be included in your daily exercise, your doctor will tell you.

According to a doctor's instructions, men can take medications to prevent prostatitis. They have the following effect:
- Prevents the occurrence of stagnant processes.
- Reduce the risk of infection
- Normalization of blood circulation.
- Improving hormone levels.
- Restoration of metabolic processes.
Preventive drugs are presented in various pharmaceutical forms. To maintain the normal functioning of the organs of the urogenital system and to strengthen the local immunity, the following are suitable:
- General antibiotics?
- Antiprotozoal drugs?
- Antiviral drugs?
- Herbal medicines?
- Suppositories.
Medications and dietary supplements have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, you should not start taking them without first consulting your doctor.
Folk remedies
The prevention of prostatitis with folk remedies remains quite popular among men. They allow you to replace pills and other drugs that do not always differ in their natural composition. To recover faster, as well as in the future to avoid recurrent prostate infection from infection, proven treatments will help:
- Pumpkin seeds. Raw seeds, which should be gnawed in small quantities every day, help to restore the health of the gland.
- Onion tincture. It is prepared from an onion, which is poured with 300 ml of boiling water. The product should be infused for about 2. 5 hours. After taking 3 times a day, 40 ml.
- Herbal tincture. A popular medicine that many men adore is made from a collection of basil flowers, horseradish and walnut leaves. The main ingredients are mixed together in a ratio of 1: 4: 1. Then, the mixture is poured with 500 ml of red wine. It should be injected during the day. It is recommended to take 60 ml of wine tincture three times a day.
- Tincture with honey and onions. Another useful medicine that helps protect the prostate and other urogenital organs from inflammation. It is made from 180 g of honey and 500 g of onion. The resulting mixture is poured into 1 liter of dry white wine. The drug should be injected for about 8-10 days. After taking before meals, 60 ml.
- Chestnut broth. The recipe requires 5 tablespoons large. Chopped bark of this tree. They should be poured with 1 liter of hot water and then evaporated in a water bath until 300-350 ml remain in the container. The finished drug is recommended to drink 35 drops before sitting at the dinner table.
- Alcohol suppositories for the prevention of prostatitis with propolis. Before using this medicine, it is imperative that you consult your doctor. To prepare such candles, you need to mix 100 ml of alcohol and 20 propolis. For every 50 mg of the mixture, add 10 g of cocoa butter. From the resulting mass, small candles are formed, which must be placed in the anus at night for a month.
- Honey candles. Such a drug can be prepared at home from 6 tbsp. large. rye bread (pulp) or flour, 2 tsp. honey and 2 eggs. Candles are formed from these ingredients. They are placed upright 2 times a day for a month.
- Herbal tincture for enema. There are many recipes for preparing such a product. One of the most effective is the infusion made from calendula, chamomile, arnica, celandine and plane tree. The plants are mixed in a ratio of 4: 4: 2: 1: 30. Pour the herbal mixture with 500 ml of boiling water and leave it for at least 45 minutes. Do not give enemas too often, as this can lead to intestinal problems.
It only depends on the actions of a man if he is at risk of developing prostatitis or if he does not have to worry about it yet. We must remember that even a perfectly healthy person can one day face such an unpleasant diagnosis if he neglects a healthy diet and a proper lifestyle.