Absolutely any problem of a sexual nature can cause intense stress in a man and cause prolonged depression. A person begins to look for ways to get rid of urogenital disease. In addition, both drug therapy and alternative therapies in the form of herbal medicine are used. Folk remedies for prostatitis and impotence come in a wide variety.

Causes and symptoms of the disease
In fact, various factors can cause the development of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Most often, inflammation occurs due to hypothermia, prolonged stress, poor immunity and irregular sex life. Many men experience this problem due to the presence of any infection in the body.
It is much more difficult to recognize chronic prostate adenoma on your own. Such a disease can pass without severe symptoms, which often leads to disability. Erectile dysfunction can also be reduced for other reasons, namely:
- the presence of diabetes;
- diseases of the nervous system;
- impaired circulation;
- hormonal disorders?
- depression, especially of a prolonged nature.
You can recognize the disease by the characteristic symptoms, which manifest themselves in the form of frequent urge to urinate. In addition, in the process, a man may feel a burning sensation, pain. These sensations may not go away for a long time. Often, the pain syndrome occurs during sexual intercourse, in addition, rapid ejaculation can be observed.
There are other signs of the disease, the presence of which should be a cause for concern:
- lack of sexual desire;
- during sexual intercourse or arousal, the penis remains weak and loose.
- rapid ejaculation;
- in the morning there is no erection.
If there is at least one symptom or combination of symptoms that lasts for more than two months, then this should be the reason to contact a specialist. The doctor should be visited even if the patient does not feel any discomfort, and is not worried about the pain. Too often, a man self-diagnoses impotence and is ashamed to seek specialized help. In fact, most of the early detected pathologies can be cured.
In the early stages, herbs are used to treat prostatitis and impotence and in later stages complex therapy is used. But in any case, a diagnosis of the disease is required and only a doctor can do that.
Useful properties of herbal medicine
Herbal treatment is very effective in the early stages of prostate inflammation. With their help, you can remove the unpleasant symptoms that appear during an outburst and prevent a man from living a normal life. But it is worth understanding that it is necessary to take such drugs with special care, as they can cause some side effects.
In addition, when treating folk remedies, the following recipes must be followed:

- with allergic predisposition, all drugs are selected taking into account this factor, so as not to cause complications and not worsen the clinical picture:
- in chronic diseases, it is necessary to take the funds in a dosing manner and after consultation with the treating physician.
- Herbal ingredients can also cause poisoning, so it would be best if a specialist prescribes the course and dosage and the patient strictly follows these rules.
It is also worth understanding that it will not be possible to recover from such a serious illness in a week. On average, an herbal medicine course lasts one month and after a short time, the course is repeated. You should not stop treatment as soon as the first signs of improvement appear, as this disease is insidious and will soon return again, but in a chronic form, which will be much more difficult to cure.
List of medicinal herbs
There are a large number of herbs and remedies that have a therapeutic effect on a disease such as prostatitis. In addition, tinctures and decoctions have a positive effect on male potency, normalize blood circulation and urination. It is worth noting that a complete course of traditional medicine completely restores the prostate gland, the reproductive system improves.
According to experts, the treatment of prostatitis with the help of herbs is more effective, but it is good to combine herbal therapy in combination with the official method.
The list of medicinal herbs aimed at combating male pathology is as follows:

- Ginseng helps relieve swelling, which often occurs with prostatitis. In addition, it has tonic, stimulating properties, restores activity. The herb contains substances that provide the man with the necessary energy and strength. In addition, this plant is an aphrodisiac, which improves erection and prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes.
- Ginger has long been known for its medicinal properties. The composition contains ingredients that will restore the activity in a short time. The treatment of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland is carried out due to the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant. In addition, the use of ginger-based decoctions increases the body's defenses, weakened due to the disease.
- Dubrovnik. This medicinal herb is part of many drugs aimed at treating prostatitis and a number of other male pathological conditions. Dubrovnik-based decoctions have a negative effect on the pathogenic microorganisms that are the causative agents of this disease. This plant helps perfectly even with chronic forms, with exacerbations.
- St. John's wort. This plant contains a very useful substance for the male body - a flavonoid. In addition, the use of tinctures prepared on this basis dilates blood vessels, eliminates inflammation, relieves swelling and destroys pathogenic bacteria. Hypericum is recommended to be taken not only for prostate adenoma, but also for impotence.
- Therapeutic aloe. The pure juice of this plant has a strong anti-inflammatory effect, helps eliminate inflammation that causes impotence in men. In addition, the flower has a positive effect on other organs of the urogenital system, which can cause the development of prostatitis.
The effectiveness of herbal remedies is due to the fact that they contain substances that help to quickly eliminate the cause of the development of a male disease. Once the inflammation subsides, the power will be fully restored.
Recipes for the preparation of decoctions and infusions
Phytotherapy in the treatment of male pathologies has been used for a long time and quite effectively. Many herbal remedies are part of the popular medicine. In addition, such drugs have virtually no side effects, so they can be used without fear of harm to the body.
The most effective folk remedies that help treat prostatitis and impotence can be prepared according to the following recipes:
- Hemp seeds. To make the product, you must carefully grind the raw materials in an amount of 200 g, add a liter of boiling water to it, mix everything well until smooth. Take the therapeutic mixture three times a day, 100 ml.
- Ginseng. To prepare this tincture, you need 2 tablespoons of high quality crushed root and vodka (300 ml) or medical alcohol (150 ml). Both ingredients are mixed in a glass container, closed with an airtight lid. After that, the solution should be removed for three days in a dark place where it will be infused. For the treatment of male impotence, it is recommended to take 10 drops in the morning, in the afternoon and at bedtime.
- Candles. You can make candles at home, which quickly relieve inflammation and also eliminate the unpleasant symptoms in the form of itching, pain and swelling. First you need to mix Vaseline, wax and lanolin. All ingredients are taken in equal amounts - 100 g each Add 150 g of propolis to the total mass. After that, it is necessary to make candles from this mixture, spread them on clean paper and put them in the fridge to solidify. A homemade candle is used daily before going to bed, but a cleansing enema is required before use.
- Salve. To make an external agent, you need to prepare 3 tbsp. chopped flaxseed soup, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of any Vaseline (you can replace it with a greasy cream), 3 tbsp. spoons of badger fat. You will also need 0. 5 liters of medical alcohol. All ingredients are mixed and steamed. To treat prostatitis, it is necessary to treat the skin in the perineal area, leave the therapeutic composition for an hour and then remove it with a damp cloth.

Also, ordinary parsley, onions and pumpkin seeds have an excellent healing effect on prostate adenoma. Just add these foods to your daily diet to significantly improve the overall condition of the male body. These vegetables are also used for preventive purposes.
But in any case, you should be more careful about your health, undergo regular examinations. The fact is that such a male pathology is easier to prevent than to cure. Yes, and early diagnosis reduces the risk of more serious diseases in the form of impotence and prostate cancer.