Diagnosta of "chronic prostatitis" (CP) is the blinds in the prisustvo of smoldering inflammation-a prostitute Divo, ARMS, Trae for 3 or powee of the period. Under the vliianie of the precipitating plant, remilia, periodicni sobolani to replace it. Bolesta CE AVEVA in the Eden of the pet Codru. Up to 30% of the patientia of this being diagnosed at the age of 20 and 50 years of age. Celosno, and that in treating chronic prostatitis, e recisi it, but in the poveet cases, That e-mail can be, and that the postigne the stability of remilia, preporuciti of letarot (Lekar in se zanimava with trestman for prostatitis).

Types of chronic prostatitis
Universalnaja e klasifikacia spared BACK postout nekolku Vidovi of the hronicni prostatitis:
- Acute bacterici (relapse).
- Hronicni bacterici.
- Chronic aseptic (abacterial) prostatitis, with an e split into 2 podvidov: chronicity karlchen Bolek syndrome, noninflammatory vospalitelno or prirodata (prostatodynia).
- A period of asymptomatic (latency) in chronic prostatitis.
Simptomi of chronic prostatitis, to AJ the great classics are not sekogash CE poebyvat in the cut. Stepinac to the nivnata visine, depending on the od of the caracteristicile Organismo.
Hronicni bacterici prostatitis
Bacteriae preciselywhat a bit of a prostitute in the 6-10% of the slocate. Bactericide, a form of chronic prostatitis typical CE predizvici of the non-specificy of infection (Echeria coli, Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic Streptococcus), prodire in a prostitute from any other organizations, or the nadvoresna the middle. A bit predision the neko and the type of bacteria and CE development are slowly with the izbrisani simptomi, SO I hronicni infectious prostatitis an honor acuta, where t e trcae. Ponekogas vospaleniya of the manifester, with a good cesae, Goree, AND dope, and Bolek in the uretrita, premetowe of MacRae. For the active razva of infectia in Bechet potvrdena of the country's abdominalna Bolek, and fever. The egg is prvite of znati in the zapozna Yeah, go hit on other organizations in the carlocate. Formiruet the ascesi.
The reason
Opsti infection, an ASPIRATION navisat of Mauger To prostatite-year-old osteti loznicata of the genitalia by a General description of the poradi a bit, statuae tight body instrumentalna of Uralochka postapki. The povrsinama the kojata perineum e sekogas the odredjene a bag of intestinal bacteria, AND otuka, and the importance of the higienica pred sexualnich one. If you predelut of the anusat, peponita of the scrotum and the ASPIRATION visoko moisture, and aritzia, a patogeni pacnet, The NaViSet of debeljaca on the epidermis. The non-specificy patogeni of chronic prostatitis padna in a simple Divo at moniot channel during oral sex, bidey in the grato honor for all NAAT Streptococcus, some gram negativne bacteria. Therefore, with infectia CE avova at the bottom of the razete of the great classics. Poveet the Codru with hronicni bacterici prostatitis, Pripyat of starosna of Grupa 20 to 40 years of age, as a new period of e-VRV for seksualna activity. Ignoriruet of bariera contraceptie dovedova, in honour of the infection specificni patogeni a bit of a prostitute. Napanice Megu NIV CE Ledneva:
- Mycoplasma;
- Ureaplasma;
- Trichomonas;
- Chlamydia.
Erektilnaya disfunktsiya in pasadenaca on the hronicni bacterici prostatitis are pleased To bring sexualna neurosis, as posledica in the dovecot stanova for nervozni, agresivni.
You sovremenie methods for the Lechee bacterici prostatitis vkluchi of the antibiotici active against Adrien for a time of diagnosta of the pathogen. As a Pomoshnaya so all of the propisani antispasmodics such as, analgetic-class Sailing, diuretici. The anti-bacterica in the prvate linea the medicine line, the second in linea antibiotic – macrolides. The, isto Taka Mauger To the vkluchi sulfonamides. Quickly you ASPIRATION a single tooth to treat chronic prostatitis is not possible. In the zavisnost od prirodata a bit of the arranging e-mail from 2 up to 12 months. If, within a period of 2 weeks, the positive dynamics of the e-mail otstan, togas to the lekota se menuva. Niezadowolenie a result of the Antibiotika therapie in hronicni parade Ledneva prostatitis causes:
- The short course;
- Niska koncentracia of active substantia;
- Education in the Lumina of the Canali and the acini in the prostate gland (istaknuti Posta it to a sociopath like the Devo of a prostitute) colonies of bacteriae that the CE odporny.
Antibiotici CE Woode not the UPDF, but it isto Taka I of the country, intraprostatically, and endolymphatic (injectii in the nametnuti or lympne Asli).
Gabicce prostatitis
Gabicce (mycotic) prostatitis e posebna subtype of hronicni the formation of the bolesta. The FUNGUS vlahova, the netestate sexual contact, and limfatica from other organizations. Simptomi of a prostitute wild tribute podmetina, AND Perminova an inflammatory disease in a chronic form. In the normal imunology systems Gabicce colony, not all of the razmazuvaet powee of the bezbedno limit. Risikat on the rasva of candidal prostatitis in an pokajina diabeticare, the great classics of the positive side of the heave-standing, as of those able to that stradat the sistemski bolesti.
Abacterial prostatitis
Chronicity karlchen Bolek, vozbudiv the coccyx and perineum, is a sign of a abacterial prostatitis (prevalencia e 80-90%, vkluchay prostatodynia 20-30%). The other demonstration is not Mauger Yes-sink of the screen. In the diagnosis of patogenice the mikroorganizmi did to Nada in the SOK of the prostate gland or in the urine, or are at the aculator. Vospalitelno in the prirodata karlchen of the units in the navedenie of bioloski in the technote you Shalamova brooch of Beli krvni of the Deer. Poker Bolek, chronic abacterial prostatitis resulting pokazyvaet simptomi as a shto se krv in eaculation, nepriatnost time agularia and digea in the debelata Crewe, texcote, when mocreate. Some of the Codru imaat znachitelno namelena of libido, erectile functia CE Vlasova, wait for opsta to slabost, and Bolek in pusculita.
Causes and tretman
Magnite causes of chronic non-bacterici prostatitis:
- Sistemski bolesti.
- The vasculara patologia, circulatia.
- Autoimmune sabolova.
- Stagner Procesi.
Tocata cause of rasva the chronicity nezarazene (non-specific) prostatitis is not sekogas it is possible that the identifikovat, satoh, medicine, terapia e the honor doesn't work. For the drainage Groen a simple e moniot MEUR catheterization. From the nedelitelnost perch on trestman, cherensky, in the form of a paricna Finance, or transurethral needle of the laserscan ablatio of the prostate (minimalno invasive unistuse the obrisati tkivo).
Chronic calculous prostatitis
Chronic calculous prostatitis of the form, it isto Taka, is abacterial. Camea (n) in the prostituta se zaradi formiruet stagnatio on the process of creation. Tie CE sostoit produced from the vospalitelno the reaction, the salt, necrotic masite. Patologia full CE the development of pasadenaca the congestive (congestive) chronic prostatitis, urolithiasis (camea migriert of the boresite and moniot MEUR), disturbed metabolism, the adenomas.
Znaci chronic prostatitis with strannovato:
- To the detriment of the MacRae.
- Peponita Bolek, tailbone.
- Krv in the spermata.
- Of Vlasova for erectie.
For the raspados on camea in prostatita all of isledovat posebni medicine line production, with the rectal massage. If you konzervativna methods do not work, and potoa CE probehne con chirurgia. All, a form of chronic calculous prostatitis Mauger To bring the apsas of gilesgate in or atrophy of organet.
Asymptomatic prostatitis
When latency chronic prostatitis kakvi, and with the environment to which the Sadat to the isceznuti. You can't assume that the edinstvenoto in the e-mail History when diagnosta an leukocytosis in prostate lacee and Verona zgolemuvanje of the PSA level. Asymptomatic prostatitis Adrian sluchane of rucinski pregled time to time, or in the tretmant in Edna's friend prilika.
Effectice for chronic prostatitis
Samat of chronic prostatitis of the Codru-back non-threatening. The threat of Mauger To the sink posledice, if vremeto not pabarue medical care. The complications of the honor Xie to develop to AJ Paladi in pazienti. In chronic prostatitis, sustinuta funkcia in gilesgate e wee broken, the go namely a snoot zinc, lysozyme potrebni to normalno funkcionira. As a results of It, organet stanovi izvor to the postoina infectia. Patogeni honor migriert in the testsite, rectuma, predizvici epididymitis, Ciresi. Where is a problem caused by infectia by restucci Pataki Mauger To develop pyelonephritis, Subrina slabost. Bidai of an prostituta an active it is turned on, at formiae in eaculation, It postoiano vospaleniya Mauger lead To infertility, and so on. Tribute party to the marriage is not Mauger Yes savremeni is not a parade of Loriot kvalitet netinit in the e-mail partner's sperm, and the sperm neispravni. It hurts, and that zamisli natural for a long time, do not uspevaet (procitate powee of vianet for the prostatitis of the sachove to dateto). Teshka complicatie e lusni of the idot to the moniot MEUR in the prostate, ureteral. Dolgoroky vospalitelno all of the deformer in the tkaenini, tie Nomentano, the mill, non-funkcionalni. Isto Taka, vertot to the rasva of the prostatica hiperplasia benigna (BPH), coat of ARMS To be able to catalyze cancer procesot.
The diagnosis of chronic prostatitis
At the consultation, lecart objasnuva the details of the istoriata of the patientt, That e-mail is especially important, and that the big win Narusova at the intimate belly. Opseg poblaci on lue with chronic prostatitis Mauger To sink a lot of released on seksualna disfunktsii of the anksioznost. ¼ Of the screen in pazienti non beleski nikakvi simptomi of abnormalit e Su sluchane. Snachalo the istoriata. A precursory of the razlichni vidove the hronicni prostatitis: an infectious virus, or gonorrheal, urethritis noninfectious bolesti − hemoroidy, varicocele, Presidente Veni Veni izgubi the nozet. The is a huge snakee in the diagnosis of chronic prostatitis imaat palpation of gilesgate and an analysis of your complexion (procitate powee to seee a simple lacee). With the passage of time is acute to the galement of prostatita CE Shalamova Malka, and periodot to remilia, CE vrai a normal, and very little Swelling. Tanata e dobien with the rectal massage to the prostitute. Vospalitelno the process if there is a focus in the prirodata, which konsistentnoj on nerana the asmenini delovi on Zapadni, vitolini, razmagcheniu. In the taqui cases prostatica juice CE dobiva oddelene od SECO is Working. Promeni Glenda secret in the e-mail has led to chronic prostatitis:
- There a kislota content alkalinity;
- Goleman lysozyme activity;
- Namalowane of the acid phosphatase.
The informativity of the razlichnie fluorescently-Citologia of the prostatica juice, as the Key test. svoice crystallization. In that I can congratulate them in the Codru juice kristallizuetsya in the form of a Paprat sheet. To the detriment of the Geometrica in the slikata bocaiuva endocrine abnormality parade rest by a lack of androgen. In neko cases in the diagnosis of zarazni and hronicni prostatitis koristi alimentary provokatsia pacientu namerno To the consumerate acineta Grana or in an alcohol in the rezultira in the aktiviziruyutsya predizvicite agensi for gonorea, and Trichomonas. Slubice vospalitelno Procesi CE manifester by WOODWAY of prednisolone or pyrogenal. Mega-laboratorijski the Studio, and the ASPIRATION valuation on the nagalim informativni of the test, which is called trehstakannoy fittings. Pacientu urinates in the right Edna Chasha, PA potoa to the vtorata, and potoa massage to the prostitute. Ostanatite at moniot MEUR, urination, the ASPIRATION assembly. to treata for Sale. VERB, zaedno with aculator and e on the bacterial Istratova. Brooch of the potrebite testovi isto Taka, se Zema od Bris uretrite for pressostato a self-prenosivi bolesti. Does the sieve conditional patogeny, which rastle in a culturette, automatski, the council of Europe's estimates, or to the chronic prostatitis. In the microbiocenosis of the newnote prisustvo e normalno version. It is important for the Rast titer (koncentracia). If the soonest the e pogolem od of 10 is 4 degrees, That the council of Europe's evaluation of the diagnostically snachala. The inak, patientt bocaiuva dynamic observatio and tretman. Informativni the method of diagnosta e TRUS or transabdominal ultrasound pregledu. The sonographic of znati, Mauger Yes se odredi framereate and intensityit up a bit. Glavnata exeprince in chronic prostatitis:
- Obimet the gradite, e Goleman 20 cm3 or powee;
- Sclerotic and blacknest transformacia in the diwata;
- Camea;
- Swelling.
The protocol for the urine To go actuvate prisustvo of obstructive promeni in the ureter YOU Bozorova To pratice uroflowmetry. For differenziare of chronic prostatitis from cancer, and hyperplasia, if it is necessary, and the ASPIRATION URSI biopsia of a prostitute. THERE is Nivea in chronic prostatitis, in Bemisia e normalno or Malka pucacina. In pasadenaca aktivni vospalitelno the process Mauger Yes se golemi to 8-10 ng/ml. Diagnosta the bacterici chronic prostatitis, e bovee komplicerade. Must that sprovede Golem bro on testovi for inclusuve bacterici responsible for the inflammation, abnormalities, and other organizations in the carlocate. Microscopia in the urine, and eaculation bocaiuva visok of the nivo to the EOC, but the Ultrazvuk, cystoscopy, CT Skene of comorbidities is not the ASPIRATION Adrie.
Opsti methods for the terapia of chronic prostatitis
The apartment on the specificni tretmani to razlichni vidove for chronic prostatitis, postout zaednicki CE koristi at the screen Vidovi of the vospalenie. Efikasan the beginning of the course lacouvee have the effect of a prostate massage e-mail. That there is a direct vliianie of the prostate gland Devo, the podobrala circularity kruta and limpit duct, Key-odstranuju the producers of the vospalitelno the reaction. During the time of the exacerbation of the prostatte massage, it is not izvrsena.